Why You Should Live at the Beach
I’m writing this blog as I watch the rain and wind from the outer bands of hurricane Idalia move through. Of course, hurricanes are the one real fear when living near the beach, but along with that comes all the amazing positives of the “beach life”. It has been my dream forever to live near a beach and thanks to my husband’s new job opportunity it has finally become a reality. Without so many things falling into place, I never would have known such a peaceful and sunny lifestyle. Here are some of the reasons I would suggest that everyone should try it!

“At the beach, life is different.
Time doesn’t move hour to hour,
But mood to movement.
We live by the currents,
Plan by the tides,
And follow the sun”
– unknown

You can wear flip flops, tank tops, & bathing suits year round
One of my favorite things- you never have to dress up and for that matter even wear make-up.
Whether you are hitting the grocery store, restaurants, or going shopping, you are always surrounded by people just coming off the beach. My hair is almost always pulled back thanks to the humidity and constant breeze. Those beach waves I always tried to create now just come naturally! I look at my old work clothes hanging in the back of my closet and without any regrets realize I may never wear them again! Hair up, flip flops, and sand in your toes is the way to live.
You'll live where other people vacation
Every year I knew I had to plan a trip to the beach. Unlike any other vacations, going to the beach was the one place I could completely relax. Now I LIVE where so many people spend their summer vacations. Instead of trying to figure out how to own a second home at the beach, I just get to live here full time.
One of the first places I noticed this was in the grocery store. I’m there doing what used to be one of my least favorite chores of weekly shopping surrounded by people on their way to the beach buying beer and sub sandwiches. Everyone is in vacation mode, and it just creates a more relaxed atmosphere. The rush of city life doesn’t exist here.

Weekends feel like a vacation
What does a normal weekend look like when you live at the beach? It’s pretty much a vacation if you want it to be! Go to the beach, even if it’s just for an hour, lay at the pool, catch a fish, go kayaking, or just watch a sunrise or sunset. Restaurants (with amazing fresh seafood) and fun shops are around every corner.
The ocean is good for the soul
The ocean breeze and sounds of the waves just make you relax, don’t you think?? When going on vacation to the beach, I just remember taking in that first breath of salt air and all my stress disappearing. Just sitting on the beach and listening to the waves is something I could do pretty much all day.
Seeing the ocean every day, you realize that it never looks the same. Sometimes it’s tranquil and other days it seems angry. I’m fascinated by the changing tides and all the different shells that get left behind.

You can live outside all year
You can be outdoors all year long! It’s never going to snow, it’s never going to be 25 degrees, and the “winter” is more like fall. Being in northern Florida, we will still have a change of seasons, but it will never be too cold to walk on the beach. Imagine building a sand snowman on Christmas day!
The sun boosts your mood
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the sun! Get your daily dose of Vitamin D and you just feel better! I’m surrounded by sun kissed people who just look healthier! The good news is that unlike when I vacationed at the beach and had to soak up every sunny hour (usually burnt in the first two days), now I can just take it in small doses. Even just a morning walk makes me feel better about my day.

Watch a sunrise or sunset every single day
Whether you’re on the east or west coast, there’s something magical about the sunrise and sunset. I know you can see that anywhere, but it’s so much better over sand and water. Here the sun rises on the beach and sets over the river and marshes behind me. It’s like a new beginning and I’m still in awe every time I watch it. It’s amazing how motivated I am to jump out of bed and get down to the beach to see the 6:30 sunrise!
It's always time for a tropical drink
You don’t need to be on vacation anymore to have a tropical drink. Everyone around me is on vacation so ordering a drink with a little umbrella in it just seems normal. Who are we kidding… a drink on the beach or near water just tastes better!

Go explore the ocean any time you want
This huge unknown world is right in your backyard! You can take up a new hobby like kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving, or even surfing! Like I said earlier, the ocean is different every time I see it. Depending on the tides and weather you will always see different shells and fish. I love to look for dolphins and have seen everything from sting rays to small sharks caught right off the shoreline. Of course, the hatching of the baby turtles top it all. Being on the beach every morning, I have been lucky enough to see lots of baby turtles hatch and make their way to the ocean. Who knows? I may even ask for a paddleboard for Christmas.
Your family and friends have a place to visit
Leaving friends when moving is always tough but now I have somewhere fun for them to come visit. Who turns down a free trip to the beach? I should also mention I will probably see my grown kids a lot more as well. Holidays just became twice as awesome when you can make a mini beach vacation out of it.
Part of the fun of living here is exploring all the touristy places when we have guests. The best part is when we come home from a long day of beach time or exploring, all our stuff is right here. I can’t forget to pack a bathing suit or realize I forget to pack a toothbrush. We already know where the best restaurants are nearby and exactly what time to see the sunset! Of course, having a full size washer and dryer is convenient too!

So, have I convinced you to move to the beach yet? You might be surprised at how affordable it can be. If the stars align and you have the opportunity to take the plunge, I highly recommend it. And just think… if you live at the beach fulltime, vacations can be anywhere else without feeling you’re missing out! And when you come home, you’re really still on vacation! Don’t just take my word for it. Click below to see scientifically proven reasons why the sea is good for you.
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