My Story
Hi. I’m Heidi and this is my story. I began this blog website in September of 2021 after dropping off my last child at college. I had also just downsized our home to half its size and turned 50.
What would I do in this next chapter of my life? I wanted a creative outlet to share ideas and stories with other people like me or maybe people nothing like me. Writing blogs seemed to be the answer.
Why start blogging?
The best way to explain what really pushed me into writing blogs, versus finding some other outlet, might be easiest with a real-life example. Over the last two months, probably out of some state of empty nester fear, I have lost an excessive number of hours obsessing over a Facebook “mom” page of other students going to the same school as my son. There was info about dorm room layouts and decorating ideas, lists created by last year’s moms of what to pack, questions about orientation, feelings about sending our babies away to college…. (You get it). This was all information you could go and get on the University’s website, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to hear it from moms who were just like me. I needed to know about their experiences. All of us just pouring our hearts out and offering free advice to complete strangers. And I LOVED it. It’s probably what got me through that drop off.
So here I am...

I am in my 50’s even though I’m not a day over 28 in my head.

My two boys are living their best adult lives, which of course makes me very proud, but also forces me to reinvent who I am without my “mom” title.

I have just successfully simplified my life by cutting my living space in half, which propelled me into a level of organization I had no idea existed.

This last move makes #8 in 28 years of marriage for my husband and me. To say that we have experimented with, and sharpened our decorating style would be an understatement.

Not to mention, that husband is super handy and I have been dying to share his skills with the world. He can make my inspirational “dream board” pictures (as he likes to call them) come to life.