Mel Robbin's Five Second Journal
As we start 2023, I’m sure many of us are making those new year resolutions. A new year always feels like a new slate. Unfortunately, those resolutions are forgotten by February, and we just go back to normal life. Trust me, I know. So today I’m sharing the one change in my life that truly stuck. I’m in year three of this and am still going strong. I’m talking about Mel Robbin’s 5 Second Journal.

Who is Mel Robbins?
Simply put, she’s a motivational speaker. Add to that list that she’s sold millions of books, reaches millions of people on YouTube with her videos, has six #1 audiobooks on Audible and is now the host of her own podcast. In her past, she’s also been a criminal defense attorney and a CNN commentator. What I love about her is she’s REAL, a person just like us. She’s been married for 26 plus years, has 3 kids, but also has fears, anxiety, and self-doubt. She is a straight talker and that’s what makes her relatable.
Everyone wants to improve themselves
I have read my fair share of self-help books and generally find them very boring and unrelatable. I was introduced to Mel Robbins through a program she called #mindsetreset back in 2019. It was a program that was developed to scientifically change habits and create a positive mindset. I went into it very skeptical but as I watched the videos (which were actually really entertaining) and did some of the homework, I noticed a change about how I looked at things. I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes right now but what I really want to share is that all of this prompted me to make a purchase… the 5 second journal. I get it if you don’t want to watch videos or read books, but just alter 5 minutes of your morning ritual with this journal. It will change your life!
The morning ritual
Lots of self-help programs or books talk about how you should start your day. Some say to make your bed. Others tell you to meditate. There’s morning yoga, listing what you’re grateful for, repeating a positive mantra… the list goes on and on. Most of us really just want to hit the snooze button or start reading emails on our phones. I probably wouldn’t have purchased the journal either, assuming it was just another gimmick or money grab. But here’s what got me. Mel Robbins offers a FREE printout of a sample page to give it a try. The link to that free printout is here. So without spending a single penny, you can see what I’m talking about. In fact you never really have to order the journal at all.
How the 5 Second Journal works
Each morning when I drink my coffee, I spend literally 5 minutes (ok so not exactly 5 seconds but you get it) filling out a page in the journal. It sounds really simple and stupid, but it changed the way my day played out. At first, I thought it was a fluke until I stopped doing it for a week and noticed the difference immediately. There is scientific proof that this works by the way!

1. How are you feeling?
First it forces you to analyze how you feel each morning (choices are depleted, meh, fine, good, and energized). This is remarkably simple but not something I ever really thought about before. More importantly than that, is you answer WHY you feel like that. I surprised myself with those answers!
2. Pick your TOP prioritiy
Next you pick the TOP priority you want to get done that day. I have always been a chronic list maker and have big aspirations to cross everything off. Of course that didn’t happen, so each day ended with me being subconsciously disappointed in myself for “failing”. BY picking one or two items that REALLY matter, you change everything. And guess what? Those items always got done!

What are you grateful for?
The journal also prompts you to think about what you are grateful for. That’s surprisingly not always easy but just the exercise of doing that puts you in a better mood. Crazy right?
Don’t worry… there is also space to just have a brain dump which is therapeutic all on its own. The minute it is written on paper, it frees you to think about other things. This all sounds to good to be true, right? Just give it a try. What do you have to lose?
In Mel Robbin's words...
“Science proves that your mood in the morning impacts your entire day. That’s why this journal is designed to boost your mood first thing, so you can become a happier, smarter, and more positive person all day. The fact is happier people get sh*t done.”

If you believe me and want to order a journal...
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