Why you should listen to Audiobooks

Why you should listen to audiobooks

I’m a paper girl. I love the feeling of holding a physical book and turning the pages. But as I get older (and my eyes get worse), part of my simplifying and downsizing phase has incorporated audiobooks into my life. It might be one of the best things I’ve ever done and here’s why. 

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Give your eyes a break

Let’s face it… most of us spend all day looking at computer screens and our phones. By the time we sit down to read (even with our readers), our eyes are just too tired to focus. I will even admit I tried “large print” for awhile but those didn’t work either (not to mention those books weigh about 20 pounds). So audiobooks are perfect. You hit play, close your eyes, and have someone else read to you!

Audiobooks can elevate your reading experience

Depending on the narrator, hearing a book can actually be more fun than reading it yourself. I love books that take place in Europe so a lot of times my narrator reads in a British or Irish accent. People’s names, and places are pronounced accurately and you may even have more than one narrator representing different characters. I’ve also listened to audiobooks read by the actual author!

elevate reading experience with audiobooks
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It's so convenient

Audiobooks live in your phone. You can hit play and dive into your book anywhere! I have found myself listening to a book waiting in line, sitting in traffic, and even grocery shopping. Our phones are always with us and so with audiobooks, you are carrying around your entire library of books! On that note, you don’t have to find anywhere to store these books once you finish them. If you ever want to go back and reread one, it’s right there.

You can multitask

This is probably the big one for me! Audiobooks have changed the way I look at mundane tasks in my life. Folding laundry or going for a walk are now my chance to get back to my book. It’s amazing how quickly time goes by when you are distracted by a great story. My favorite time to listen to books are in the car. I have almost completely eliminated road rage from my life and find that I am a much better and certainly less stressed driver.

running with an audiobook

Incorporating Audiobooks into your life

You may be saying, “I’m way to busy to do all that”. I promise you there are a million ways to fit audiobooks into your very busy life. If you do any cardio exercise, whether it’s running or walking or even stair climbing, you have time for an audio book. While doing any chores whether it’s folding laundry or mopping floors, you can listen then. Do you cook? Audiobooks are the perfect companion in the kitchen while you chop. Do you drive in your car? You should listen then. Even if you are just tired at the end of the day, close your eyes and hit play. 

Below is a sample of my audiobook library. I use Audible (a service through Amazon) as my “go to” source.  Much like my taste in movies, I love a psychological thriller. The more twists, the better. I also love stories that take place in other places. As you begin your audiobook journey, you will find authors and narrators that you love.   Click below to check out Audible.  

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