Decorating With Seashells
My name is Heidi and I collect seashells by the seashore. I visit the beach every day and almost never come home without at least one treasure! Some are small. Some are big. But they are always different from the others. That’s the thing about seashell hunting… you never know what the ocean washed up while you were away. So, what do I do with all these seashells? I decorate with them and in this post will share some of my favorite ways.

Cleaning Seashells
First things first… make sure you clean your seashells. There are a million ways to do this. I find soaking them in bleach is usually good enough but if you want to be thorough, check out this great blog.
Flower Beds
When we first moved here, I was particularly obsessed with shells because there were so many of them just laying in piles on the beach. Having spent most of my beach vacations on the Gulf Coast, I wasn’t used to this, and found myself bringing home bags of seashells! I started to add them to my flower bed and around any stone paths I had. It turns out they are actually a great mulch alternative.

In the Kitchen
I have a metal tier stand that sits on my kitchen counter. I just put smaller shells into jars of different shapes and sizes and voila! Shells can even make a simple mason jar look like it’s decoration. This is a fun, easy, and inexpensive way to add interest to your countertop and remind you every morning how lucky you are to have found these little treasures.

Focal Points on Tables or Shelves
Larger glass vases can hold even more shells and can help create focal points in different places in your home. On the bar cabinet in my dining room, I created a beach feel with a simple glass jar filled with shells, a wooden heron, and an outdoorsy lantern. My favorite is the free-standing shell I was lucky to find early one morning. Whenever I find a particularly special treasure, I write the date inside to remember when I discovered it. This was my first full sized, uncracked conch shell (at least I think that’s what it is… still learning my shell types) but I hope it won’t be my last!

On my dining room table, I created a centerpiece with a shallow wooden tray and an assortment of shells. The open lantern allows for shells around the candle, and the turtle glass dish holds the small fragile ones. I must be honest here and say the starfish are bought but will quickly be replaced if I ever find a real one!
The Entry Way
There should be shells the minute you walk through the door! Once again, I used a shallow tray and assorted shells to create the look. These are switched out all the time with new treasures but create the perfect way to welcome guests to our house at the beach.

Shell Wreath
Speaking of welcoming guests, you see shells before you even come in the door. I made this wreath in just a few easy steps and with small adjustments will be great year round. To see how to create this wreath go to the following link.

Accents to Other Accessories
Shells can be added just about anywhere as accents to other accessories that you already have. This wire jar is full of corks, but I added a sand dollar to the outside to add extra interest. Don’t stop there. Put a shell on a pile of books or on a side table. Add a jar of shells in your guest room or bathroom.
Shell decorating is endless!
Stay tuned… next up is painting shells to get ready for Christmas!
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