College Finals Survival kit
The first semester at college is tough. Learning to live on your own is just the beginning. You realize that finding a balance between studying and a social life can be tricky. By the time you throw in managing money, pledging a fraternity, and trying to stay healthy you are lucky to come out of the first semester in one piece. Now it’s finals week and you realize that these grades can make you or break you. As a mom, it’s time for me to step in and get you to that finish line with some junk food and cheesy puns. Here is everything you need to send your college student a college finals survival kit.

Supplies for the college finals survival kit
You start with a box. I like the USPS priority box because I know its’ trackable and costs one price to mail no matter how much it weighs. After that, dig out those old scrapbook supplies. Some fun cardstock and sticker letters are all you need. After I came up with my cheesy puns, I simply created them in Excel and printed them out. Change up the fonts and colors. Technically, I guess you could also just write them out on sticky notes.
Decorate the box
Cut and glue the paper onto the box flaps. Then you just fill the bottom of the box with tissue paper. Finally you use your sticker letters to write your message. I wrote “Exam Survival Kit” on one flap and “Don’t Stress, Do Your Best” on the other.

Fill the box with stuff they love
This is the fun part! Pick out all the things your college kid loves. Then its time to get creative and come up with your cheesy puns! The dumber they are, the better. In addition to the candy and gum, I added protein bars and some supplies for studying (sticky notes, pens, and index cards). I also included a Starbucks and Doordash gift card for those late nights. Tape your cheesy puns to the items and put it all in the box. Your college finals survival kit is done and ready to mail!

You can also include study strategies. Check out this website!

You are a great Mom! This is so creative! Cullen should ace his exams!