Christmas Card Scrapbooks

One of my favorite things during the month of December is going to the mailbox and getting Christmas cards. I especially love the ones with pictures which give me a glimpse into how much everyone has changed from the year before. I’m happy to say that the art of sending them out is still going strong for most people. In this world of technology, who doesn’t love receiving something with a stamp on it that isn’t a bill? The big question is what to do with them after the holiday season is over? I just cannot bring myself to throwing them away, so instead I make them into Christmas Card Scrapbooks!
Supplies needed for Christmas card scrapbooks
If you have ever scrapbooked, you probably have most of these supplies laying around. This project started for me in 2008 as a way to use up some of my leftover scraps. But don’t worry, even without a scrapbooking history, you can throw one of these together in less than an hour! Here’s what you need (and links to get it if you don’t already have it).
Paper Cutter & Chipboard
If you don’t already have a paper cutter, you can always use a ruler and scissors. Chipboard is light weight cardboard that you can buy or find in packaging.

Scrapbook paper & stickers
You need 4 sheets of 12×12 scrapbook paper. I choose to use different patterns that coordinate colorwise but this is completely up to you. You can use solid paper if you prefer.

Hole puncher, binder rings & of course your Christmas cards
A single hole puncher works best. Binder rings can be bought in all different sizes, but I find that the 1 inch work best for me. I guess it depends on how many cards you have.
How to assemble Christmas card scrapbooks
It’s easier than you think. Just follow the steps below and you will have a Christmas card scrapbook in less than an hour. The hardest part is waiting for the Mod Podge to dry!
Step 1- cutting the pieces
Cut your 2 pieces of chipboard into 8X8 pieces. Cut two pieces of scrapbook paper into 10X10 pieces. Decide which print you want on the cover of the book and which one you want on the back. If you prefer to make them the same print, that works too! I use leftover paper for mine, so my prints are usually different.

Step 2- creating the covers

Take your 10X10 paper and wrap it around the chipboard. The corners can be a little bulky so I like to cut the excess paper. If you prefer to just wrap the corners like you would a present, that works too. Glue everything down. I like to use the Modge Podge for this but glue would work as well. When done your two pieces of chipboard should look like the picture below.

Step 3- finishing the inside
Cut two more pieces of scrapbook paper into 7X7 pieces to line the inside of the cover and back of the book. Again, I just use Modge Podge to glue everything down. To avoid any bubbling brush the Modge Podge on the entire surface getting glued.

Step 4- decorating the cover
Time to decorate the cover of the book. Again, I use leftover stickers and coordinate the colors back to the paper. I always include the year of the cards, but otherwise sky’s the limit! Just remember that you will be punching 3 holes on the left side, so don’t get too close to the edge.
Step 5- time to glue
Time to Modge Podge everything! It’s as simple as brushing a layer of the Modge Podge glue over the surface of the covers. Don’t panic… initially it will look like a big streaky mess. I promise that it dries into a nice clear finish. Make sure you use strokes going the same direction (just like with painting) and go over any seams and stickers. Each side needs at least two coats. The good news is that it dries quickly.

The Modge Podge cleans off easily with warm water so don’t worry about getting it on your hands. Also if the chipboard seems to be bending a little as you apply the Modge Podge, don’t worry. It will flatten back out as it dries.

Step 6- Assemble the book
Once everything is dry, the book is ready to be assembled. Punch 3 holes into the left side of your cover. Use this as a template and proceed to punch holes into each Christmas card and the back of the book. Take the binding rings and slide everything on! I find it easier to put the cards on the rings first and add the covers at the end. Grab your ribbon and wrap it around the book and thru the middle ring. You’re done!
What to do with Christmas card scrapbooks
Just like other scrapbooks, these books are meant to be looked at. Every Christmas, I put them out on display in a basket. It’s fun to go back and see how everyone has changed. I like to put our family Christmas card at the front of each book. If you are someone who has sent me a card throughout the years, know that I cherish them and that they help create these fun walks down memory lane!

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