6 tips to organize the linen closet
The linen closet should really be the easiest closet to organize. In a downsized house, this closet may be multifunctional. My linen closet is located next to the garage door and across from my “guest room”, so it has to be many things. The key is to make sure what you store in it is intentional and not just a dumping ground for things that have no obvious home. These 6 tips will help you get started.
Step 1- pull it all out, organize by category, & purge
This step should be very eye opening when everything is laid out in front of you! It’s time to purge! Remember the first step in organizing your linen closet is to declutter. Anything with rips or stains needs to go in the donate pile. Old towels need to go in that pile as well. Dog shelters are always looking for these extra linens and would love your donation. Let’s see what your categories should look like.

- Sheets– put full sets (one flat, one fitted, 2 pillow cases) together by size and slide into coordinating pillow case. You will never need to learn how to fold a fitted sheet because it’s neatly tucked away! you only need ONE extra set per each bed in your house.
- Duvets and Comforters– Decide if you want to roll them or store them in a plastic tote. I did both.
- Blankets– we had a ton of “to go” blankets we used to watch our boys during freezing cold soccer and lacrosse games. I narrowed these down to just my favorite.
- Towels– keep your favorite pool or beach towels. With bath towels, just like with sheets, you only need 4 towels per bathroom. Hint: I have a different color in each bathroom so I know what goes where.
- Guest Bag– this is your quick grab bag of extra shampoo/ conditioner/ lotion that you may want when a guest comes.
- Miscellaneous.– this is where it gets tricky. Some examples of categories I had left were: sleeping bag, air mattress, flashlights, my dog’s stuff (sweaters, nail clippers), pillows, first aid stuff (including Covid masks, hand sanitizer, gloves), and a bunch of coolers that didn’t fit into the garage space.
Step 2- Decide on the best way to store the items
How should you store your items in a way that will make them easy to find and keep your linen closet organized for years to come? Look around your house for extra baskets or containers and then make a list of what you need to purchase. I have some cheap and easy ideas below.

- Sheets- sheet sets are already pulled together by set. Now decide if you would like them in baskets or boxes. I went with a storage box that had a lid.
- Duvets and Comforters- if you decide to just roll them, you’re good to go. Otherwise a great option is to put them in plastic totes. The ones that they come in originally are great, but if you threw that away, a Ziploc one works just as well.
- Blankets- I decided to just fold these, but a basket is a great option as well. Just make sure, if they are folded, they aren’t hanging off the shelf.
- Towels- again these can just be folded or rolled. I found rolling saved space and made them easier to grab without the whole pile toppling down. The hand towels and washcloths worked well in a plastic bin.
- Guest Bag- I collect the sample size shampoos, conditioners, and lotions from hotels when we travel. I stored those all in a big glass jar.
- Other- baskets or storage cubes are always my go to for miscellaneous stuff. Just make sure you still separate by category. Pillows take up a lot of room so they went up high. Under the bottom shelf, I was able to store the coolers along the floor.
Step 3- Line your closet shelves
Wood can be hard on sheets and blankets so a liner will protect them. Let’s be honest- the whole closet just looks prettier with a fun printed liner on the shelves. Lastly, just like paint, it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to make a space look finished.

Step 4- Maximize your space
The real goal when you organize the linen closet is to maximize your storage. Make every inch count by putting things all the way to the ceiling and filling the corners. Since the corners are not as accessible, I used them for sleeping bags and the air mattress. I know they are there but it’s not something I need to get to very often. Also make sure you take it all the way up to the ceiling. Again, put things you don’t need to access often on top. For me that was pillows and storage bags. I realized there was one bare wall that had no purpose, so I hung a hook for my beach/pool bag for quick access.
Step 5- Label, Label Label!
A huge part of organizing your linen closet is to know where everything is. So all those baskets lined up on your shelves- how do you know what’s in them? Those organized sheet sets- which ones fit on which bed? YOU HAVE TO LABEL! Go to Hobby Lobby and buy a package of 12 gift tags for $4.99. I love the chalkboard look and then I write on them with a permanent silver marker. Labeling makes your life so much easier!

Step 6- Keep it fresh!
You have organized your linen closet and now not only should it look pretty but smell pretty! Some ideas I have come across are good old fashioned baking soda pouches, lavender sachet bags, or just scented soaps. I also love to stick a dryer sheet in with my sheet sets! One last thing- this may seem obvious but always clean everything before you put it away!
Life changing!
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